Friday, August 3, 2012

7 months, Estonia and back

Happy 7 month birthday, our treasure!

We have had a great week in Estonia. As I've told earlier, this is the country where I grew up and lived until I was 18 years and finished college. My parents still live there, as the most of my family - besides my sister who also lives in Sweden nowadays. Last time I visited Estonia was 2008, before I got pregnant with Jennifer. So it was definitely about time to go back. The first visit for both of my children. Yes, MY children! The day before we left, I received a letter from the court confirming that I now have custody of Erik aswell. I am his mother also in the eye of the law. With this, our whole process has come to its end. It took 6 months. I am so happy and humble.

Our trip to Estonia was wonderful and way to short. But still, we managed to meet some fantastic persons and do some fun stuff. I'll tell you in pictures :)
It all began with that our dear friends - Joyris and Lars with their kids arrived from Gothenburg. They stayed in our house and took care of our animals during our trip.

As they took care of our kids, I managed to do some gardening before we left

This photo is taken at Copenhagen airport just before boarding. Erik had had a meal and Jennifer made sure he had a good zip of water before we departed :)

Our kids are made for flying and travelling. Jennifer was so happy to fly again!

At my parents house

Having fun at my parents

Mom, Jennifer and dad

At Tallinn Zoo

Jennifer tried horse back riding for the first time. First she tried the pony...

Then she headed for a horse :)

We went swimming, the weather was fantastic the whole week.

Jennifer enjoying the sand and water

Tallinn downtown

Town hall of Tallinn

Having fun with my best friends kids

Before my godsons baptising

me and my godson

daddy and Erik in church

Jennifer, church dressed and happily playing

Long live Estonia!

My cousin and Jennifer

my auntie Ella <3

We also visited our highschool and college teacher. Here's me and my best friend along with our dear teacher.

my best friends and our children together

on our way back home

Jennifer happy in the train

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Little Wiking report

He surely looks like a wiking nowadays. :) Here's an Erik-update:

* Monday the 9th we visited our childrens nurse for measuring and weighing. Erik had grown a LOT! He measured 8880g and was 67,5 cm.
* Today, it was time for our 6-months doctors visit. As our beloved doctor expressed, he's an "exellent baby". 8970g and 67,5cm.
* Until now, Erik has made noises like "grrrrrrrrr" and, sometimes, "määää". Past saturday, the 14th of July, Erik started to say "Babababa". It is really, really cute. :)
* Erik is still a good eater and seems to like everything. He likes his baby porridge - oats in the morning and  spelt in the evenings (both ecological). He manages to eat so much more solids than Jennifer did at 6 months. Sometimes, his portions are maybe even bigger than we could tease Jenni to eat at the age of 1. Until now, feeding Erik has been a true joy.
Grandpa' and Mona swinging our treasures
Auntie Ingela and Mona giving Jennifer a biking lesson
* We used to have 3 40-years old birches in our backyard. They were absolutely beautiful, yet they made the backyard a bit more shady than we wished to. Also, the lawn got only worse and worse. We asked our neighbours and they were happy to help us to remove 2 of the birches.
One of our neighbours making preparations

Getting ready for birch two to fall right

Jennifer in our back yard with Bessie and Jöns the Ragdoll
Bessie is our 9-year old Owcharka/German shepherd mix. For 2 past weeks she has been really limb and we have been worrying since the usual Green-lipped mussel pill has not helped to reduce the inflammation in the arthritis troubled joint she has. Yesterday, Agne took her to the vet. She got antiinflammatory painkillers and today already it seems like we have a whole new Bessie. She is so much back to normal - curious, glad to join us and relaxed. I so hope she can stay with us for a couple of years. She is a very large dog and I know she wont become the oldest dog in the world. But we love her dearly and hope for the best.
Erik playing :)
Love to your all and thank you for following me.

Monday, July 2, 2012

6 months and lots of feelings

If you look really carefully, you'll see his first tooth, too :)
It grows every minute!
 Incredible, how time flies. Today, my parents left us and flew back to Estonia. Luckily, we are soon off to visit them. Jennifer is so used to kiss and hug them goodnight and Erik loves to be held by my mother and seems to have a very special connection to my father, too. But boy, does the house feel hollow today. Agne too had to leave for a business trip. All the sudden I'm all alone with my two treasures and fury friends.

I have been thinking a lot lately, how incredible it really is, that we have Erik. How fantastic our doctors, Yashodhara and Sudhir truly are. What an amazing journey we made in order to have another child. We really really worked hard and travelled far, we gave everything we had (and could loan) and we were so blessed. He was there for us.
Each and every child is a miracle. Erik is too, given to us by a fantastic lady, mrs N. As easily as Jennifer came to us, as hard was it to have Erik. Interestingly, still, they are same. Both as adorable, as dearly beloved and created by same parents. We needed  HELP and helping each others, loving is what man kind is made to do.

It was a horrible pain to learn that I no longer could carry a child. Coming home from the hospital, holding a 4 months baby Jennifer in my hands and knowing she is the only one who got to grow in my perfect uterus, now gone, was totally terrifying. There was such a conflict in my head. On one hand I was just her mother, nursing and taking care of my baby. On the other hand, someone had made it impossible to get pregnant. I knew I had had cancer but I had never felt ill. I was still in my happy-first -time-parent-bubble and someone popped it with a big BANG! What should I do now? Would Agne still want me? Would I survive? What about my plan of being a surrogate for my sister?

Sitting here, 2 1/2 years later, holding this little miracle who loves sleeping on my arm, milk drunk and adorable, I feel so blessed. Thanks to this little child, I have a complete family. Thanks to him I have a husband (we probably would never married if it wasn't for the legal process of getting custody of Erik), Jennifer has someone to grow up with, to play with and lean on when they are grown. Thanks to Erik, I have met so many incredible persons - drs Sudhir and Yash, everyone of team Surrogacy India, our surrogate, N, and her family, dr. Bijal Shrivastava and all the wonderful nurses of Hiranandani hospital. Our dear friends Amit and Heena, Nutan and Jasbinder. I wouldn't have my Indian Brother. We got to see and love a whole new country far, far away from Sweden. I LOVE India! I love my family! I love our little Wiking. Made in India, still so Nordic.
Happy to have eachother
Erik has popped his second tooth today. He's a healthy baby, a good eater - at least for now. I am so lucky each time I scoop spoons with food into his mouth. It's so much fun :) Hopefully he'll keep up the good spirit of eating.
Strawberries are soooo good!

While my mom and Erik inspected the berries,
Jennifer was so amazed to see such a big amount of strawberries

 He is getting very very interested in discovering the world. Erik grabs things you give to him and those you don't. He studies persons around him and is so aware of everything. He starts to practice crawling and tries to sit on his own.
Nothing's like sitting in your own backyard

A good, soft place to practice sitting.


Every week I help someone who is about to start or in the middle of their surrogacy road. I love it. When we were about to start our surrogacy journey, I knew so little and there were so few people in Sweden who could help me. SI hadn't had so many Swedish customers yet. I searched for information day and night, so happy there was an international forum, the Surrogacy India forum. Today, when I share the hope, excitement, joy and sorrow of others, I feel so blessed. I am so happy to help but also SO happy our road is complete and almost over - just waiting for the Court to give me custody of Erik. To make me his legal mother.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Toothless no more

Right on Midsummers Eve, my sisters family arrived. What a joy it is to have my whole family gathered. It is first time since 1999, I believe, and none of us had children nor husbands then.
The Midsummers Eve was great, although the weather, typically, let us down. Nevertheless, we could sit on our porch and enjoy the good food and drinks.
At the Maypole celebrating Midsummer by dancing around it

Family picture :)

Our Midsummer cake

Agne and my sister in law

Me, my parents and big sister on Midsummer Eve. Sorry for the Medela SNS

Chilling on Chilly Midsummer Eve

My fairy sister making a midsummer wreath


My darling and my sisters husband

Jennifer at Midsummer celebrating at daycare
Jennifer has learned how to blow bubbles :)

Our little Star Wars star :)

Jöns really doesn't mind

Uncle Fredrik does things we wouldn't dare :)

Walking lesson with uncle Fredrik

Playtime with my sister, Mare

Horseback-riding with cousin Olivia

Bessie's favourite place

Jennifer and grandmother

I just love having my family gathered! 
Yesterday we had a visit from our Family Court who needs to investigate whether I'm suitable as adoptant for Erik. According to Swedish Law, the mother is always the one who gives birth to a child, hence our SM is the mother. I'm hoping to be able to get custody of him sometimes during this summer. She seemed to be pleased with what she saw and heard from us. She said that if I don't have a long Police registry, it would probably go well. Fingers are crossed!

I want to congratulate all my fellow bloggers who have resently got babies. Also, I share the excitement of egg retrieval and 2ww for many! Lots of baby dust to you and may your angels protect you!

Oh, and by the way, Erik popped his first tooth today. The second one will probably come tomorrow or the day after :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

I want more!

According to current recommendations, Erik has received just small tastes of food from my finger as we eat. This is supposed to continue until 6 months of age when he is to begin with solid food as a complement. He has loved this "tasting" from the beginning but past 10 days he has been really upset if I don't give him more. Much more.  He has tasted strawberries and would be very,  very upset when I wouldn't let him eat a whole one. Yesterday we had vegetable and mushroom soup for lunch and he had about 10 small pieces of potato and some carrot pieces, too. Other ways he just cried until I gave him some more.
Of course he got the whole strawberry :)
Today I called to our pediatric nurse and asked for her opinion. She said that it is a part of his development and it would be wrong not to start giving him more if he has a desire for food.
Said and done, I steamed some potato for him today.

For the first time, he sat in his high chair and tasted baby food.

Going for a walk!

Past days have been great allthough my dear hubby is on business leave. My parents really are a good company and help for me. Mom follows me everywhere :) It is great since mom can take a walk with Erik so he can sleep in the stroller while I play with Jennifer at the playground. Jennifer needs and loves to climb now. And of course, her favourite, the swing won't get rusty and useless neither.
She is happy to ride her three-wheeler to the playground but she still needs to be pushed on the bike, at least mostly. She is getting it more and more each time we go for a ride. It is good coordination exercise for her too. 
My darlings!

The potty training goes really well. We haven't had any accidents in 5 days now. She still wears a diaper during sleep and those 2-2,5 hours she is at daycare. But at home she can abrupt her play and go to the potty without reminding her. We have one potty in her room and one in the living room. It seems to work out well and I'm so proud of my little big girl. We are down to 2 pull-ups/24 h.
Jennifer had her first performance at daycare the other day. Look at this happy girl!
She sang perfectly and clearly. I was about to burst of pride!
After the performance, all kids got a popstickle. It was Jennifers very first one.
Probably not the last one though as she loved it!
Jennifer and her favourite at daycare
Erik has lost most of his newborn hair and there is a lot of new, short and shiny hair growing
The dark, long on his neck is still left though :)

My parents proud with Erik