Monday, June 4, 2012

Nurses visit today

We were to our childrens nurse today for two vaccinations (first one: diphteria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, hemophilus Influenzae, hepatitis B and the second one: pneumococcae) and a new weight and length.
Here's a little reminder and newest facts:
Erik at birth: 3750g and 51cm
     1 month: 4300g
    2 months:  5450g and 58cm
    3 months: 5885g and 59cm
    4 months: 6450g and 61cm
    5 months: 7840g and 64,5cm

Erik with his both grandfathers yesterday
Horseback-riding with vanaema (my mother)


  1. Wow - he is getting so big!!! And too cute!!! Best wishes, K

  2. I just want to pinch those adorable cheeks so much!!!

  3. He looks long, what percentile is his length? Cailyn is really long, 90th %. Erik is adorable!!

    1. He isn't that tall, really: 64,5 cm = 25,39 inches or 2,12 feet. In Sweden we don't put childrens measures in percentiles so I'm not even sure what that means :D But my app says that his length is 48%, weight 74% and head 85%
